"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."

Monday, July 19, 2010

And so it begins!

I've already ran into my first difficulty: I've only been here for two and a half days, and I could write a whole novel about my experiences. I've been to most of the states across the U.S., and I've been to Mexico, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and Ireland; yet, no place remotely compares to Kenya. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I entered into a completely unfamiliar world. Due to the vast array of experiences that I will have in Africa, I have decided to only write about the most peculiar in order to prevent myself from writing too much. So, here I go:

After an intimidating drive through the dilapidated streets of Nairobi, I arrived at my new home, St. Brigid Franciscan Friary, on Saturday, July 17th. I was escorted by a professor of political science who studies corruption in the government (even though he is apparently funded by the government...). Thirty seconds after arriving at the friary, I was shuffled over to my first notable experience. Fr. Christopher, who is the Franciscan friar who helped to organize my mission to Kenya, was across the street at the Starehe Boys Centre. The Starehe Boys Centre is a boarding school for impoverished youth whose mission is to offer the students an outstanding education, so that they can then go off to college (95% go to college and many of them go off to prestigious universities abroad). In fact, on Sunday, I met a student who will go to Boston in September to finish his final year of high school, and then he plans to go to Stanford.

On this day, the President of Kenya was speaking at the school to celebrate the tremendous impact that Starehe has had on disadvantaged youth. Upon entering the campus, I was given a full body search by soldiers holding intimidating guns. When I arrived at the celebration, I saw a sea of hundreds of black faces. I mentioned to my escort, "I don't stand out, do I?" He gave me a funny look, so I assume that he didn't get my humor. We listened to the president and other dignitaries, but I did not get a chance to actually meet them.

However, during the fanfare, we found Fr. Christopher (the friar who is generously helping me). There are not words to describe Fr. Christopher, as he is something of a legend among the people of Nairobi. He seems to be everywhere at once, helping the people in abject poverty with his spiritual guidance and charisma. Yet, he does his work in complete humility. As soon as we met him, we left the celebration, returned to my new home at St. Brigid Friary, I was shown my room, and then I slept from 5 PM until 8AM the next morning!

The next morning was Sunday. Fr. Christopher was scheduled to preach at 3 different masses: at Starehe Boys' Centre, at a church in the heart of the Nairobi slums, and at another impoverished church for the people of Fr. Christopher's tribe (the Kamba tribe). Again it is hard to describe these churches, but I expect that if a Westerner man who has grown sleepy with his religion was to enter one of these worship celebrations with singing and dancing and heartfelt speaking, he would be jolted awake.

So I don't continue writing so much, I just want to talk about my church experience in the slums. The slums look like the pictures we see on television in America, except for when you are actually there, the harsh reality of it is painfully felt. The pain is felt when you breathe in the awful smells of sewage and burning trash, when you see the fields of shanties woven tightly together with scraps of materials and mud, and when you see the dejected people frantically trying to earn money in the streets by selling their meager goods. Yet, when you enter into the church, the people come to life. The people may face the harshest of poverty, but their belief in God grants them solace and peace of mind, along with invigorating them with a spirit to continue to fight to better their lives. The church was packed from wall to wall, with people standing outside for lack of room, and the whole congregation raised their voices in singing. This is not like the poverty that I have seen in America. In U.S. poverty, you see lonely individuals who have lost hope in themselves; yet, in this Nairobi church, I saw families drawn closer together by their struggles and by their desire to serve and worship God.

It happens that the school that I will be teaching at, Pumwani Secondary School, serves the children from these slums. I am excited to soon be a part of their lives, as I recognize that although I will be teaching them, I will be learning perhaps even more from their joy born from their humility and simplicity.


Mary Helen said...
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Mary Helen said...

Yay! It's so good to hear from you! I was smiling ear to ear reading your blog post :) Sounds like you are in for quite an adventure! Well I'm so glad you made it there ok. I can't wait to hear more stories! I miss you and I'm praying for you!
Mary Helen

Chris Duffel said...

sounds like a great start!

Also all of this hesitation about writing too much should be tossed to the side. Write a much or as little as you want to or can.

I for one would prefer to have more than enough to read from you in one sitting than to be wanting more after a brief post.

I'll keep you and the people you'll be teaching in my prayers.
Looking forward to more.

andrew.ginakis said...

Zach this was awesome! Your experiences over there encourage me over here. Can't wait to keep up with you and know that you're being prayed for! Take care! Ginakis

Unknown said...

This sounds amazing. I agree with Chris, write as much as you'd like...even we who are immersed in our faith sometimes take it for granted, so to hear of this amazing call to worship that is displayed by the people that surround you is a great reminder.
Good luck to you and may God continue to Bless your life through the people whose lives you touch and those that touch you.
You are in my prayers.
Crystal Simien

Unknown said...


I was so hoping that we could speak before you left the country, but I guess e-mail will have to suffice for now (or skype later?)... haha.

It's so good to hear about the work you're doing, and I'll continue to follow you throughout the year. Hopefully I'll be able to update my blog often as well! If you want to check it out, it's http://benkenwill.teachfor.us!

Can't wait to hear more from Kenya!

Peace bro,

crathke said...

Zach, I figured out how to sign up. Disregard the email.